Location: Super Awesome Double Secret New Spot
Air temp: high 60s
Water temp: ??? (I really need to buy some new batteries)
Hatches: Didn't notice any
Fish landed: 4 (browns) and scads of hefty chubs
Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:
The last time I was at Mr. F (the Woodland Critter Murder Mystery), I chatted a bit with a local who was fly fishing from the banks (no waders). He was quite talkative, and told me of the recent history of that area of the river. Legend has it, a big manure spill killed off most of the fish a few years ago, and the population has yet to recover in that area.
Of more interest, he asked me if I had fished at another spot on a nearby stream. I told him I had never been to that particular locale, and he very proceeded to very kindly tell me how to get there. He regaled me with stories of huge fish caught, brookies over 20", larger browns, etc... He claimed that he preferred to spin-cast in that area.
So today, QD and I decided to try and find this land of pigs. After a couple quick consultations with the map, we arrived at what we believed to be the spot. We parked by a bridge and started upstream. The river was of decent size, though large portions were quite slow (indeed, ideal for spin-casting). The delicate aroma of cow manure wafted through the air, seemingly carried by the humidity. There were a few riffles and small pools. We both hooked into some large chubs. Some had horns on their head. If there is a Hell, those fuckers will be there.
After our fill of chub, we decided to check out the area downstream of the bridge. We both landed some smallish trout (8"-10") as we made our way down. After a report from base informing us of incoming rain, we slowly made our way back up. QD landed a nice and plump brown. Our opinion of the spot was starting to improve. I hit a nice run an upstream riffle was feeding. Then, the fun began. I was fishing a couple mid-sized nymphs, and hooked into a nice 15"er. I had brought my 5wt with my 4wt reel, and even on the 5wt, the fish put up a very nice fight.
QD was nice enough to snap a pic:
Not long after, another connection and another great fight. Yet another 15", though this one was nice and chunky. After a few strikes and missed fish, I was able to land another decent fish. Probably the best fight was the last fish I had on, though he released himself on his own.
All in all, a good day and definitely a place to check out again. Curiously, as we were packing up in the parking area, a car pulled in driven by an older gent. He asked us about the fishing and told us how he used to fish there long ago. He even told us of another area to check out nearby. Not long after he drove off, another fellow drove in to ask us about the fishing. Very friendly folk out there in WI.
I landed 3 browns one being a nice 13"er or so(fat) and a 10" brookie!!!
also a lot of chubs. Can't wait to try out that spot out again!
damn andy. when did you raid the fly fishing store? what happened to the rubber waders and ripped t-shirts? looking good!
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