Date: May 20, 2007
Location: Club
Air temp: 50s
Water temp: ??? (I really need to buy some new batteries)
Hatches: not much
Fish landed: 1 brown
Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:
Scotty Mac
We took a trip to the Club on a chilly Sunday morning. The water was fairly clear, though we hoped the cool conditions would still produce a solid fishing day. This would not be the case.
Before I could fish, however, the problem of my detached sole on my right wading boot had to be solved. The answer would be duct tape, and with the help of my cohorts, I was taped up like a football player. They were also nice enough to 'roid me up like a football player, getting me in the proper rage needed to fish for trout.
When we fish the Club, the point of convergence tends to be the large, slow pool behind the Club itself. Since Scotty Mac has yet to dabble in the dark arts of streamer fishing (or much nymphing for that matter), Booter and I fished the pig pool while he fished a dry not far upstream.
Having fished a streamer with no results on my way to the pool, I tied on a huge indicator dry instead. I was able to land a 12" brown when I was finally able to get my casts close to the far bank. Booter, slightly upstream from me, was tempting fish with a huge streamer, until the physics of doing so on a 3wt caught up with him and snapped a small portion of his middle ferrule. He was able to reattach the rod sections, with his rod being only slightly shorter than before.
We decided to move upstream to a couple deeper, more active (in terms of water flow) pools. Not much luck was had at either, with physics finally finishing off FB's rod. While he went searching for morels, SM and I continued to catch no trout.
We finished the day with a trip to the EPB&G for curds and a BBQ chicken buffet.
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