Location: WBL(Boognish Island)
Air temp: 80s
Water temp: ???
Hatches: N/A
Fish landed: 0
Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:
Jess(non FAG)
Coach McGuirk(non FAG)
Hann(non FAG)
Another Nice night out on WBL, everytime I fish that lake I have to tell myself a few things:
1) you will most likely not catch anything, and if you do it will most likely be small.
2) try not to get pissed off by the dipshits that cruise past your boat at 30 M.P.H. there will be a lot of them and they will all be too close to your boat.
If I can remember those 2 things it's a fun trip. WBL is one of those lakes that everyone says "there's big fish in that lake", I've never really believed that because I've spent countless hours out there and only have done well out there once for crappies in the spring time, and even then all of the ones we caught were borderline keepers, nothing to write home about.

Well Friday night was no exception, We pulled up to the lake after buying live bait, at the world's shittiest bait shop, quick back story, when I went into the bait store to purchase leeches the Jackson Whites inside were arguing about something, the only acknowledgement I received as a customer was "$6.32" muttered by the fat one behind the counter. Not even eye contact. I hate that fkin place. So, getting back to the story, we rolled up to my parent's house and sat on the porch with my mom and dad for a few minutes waiting for Coach and Hann to show up. They soon got there and we were on our way.
Coach was telling me about a place he had fished before so we headed for the spot, The night was perfect, awesome weather, another batch of the Cuban sandwiches and this time I brought some Rum and Coke(Mount Gay(the official rum of the F.A.G.)). The rum went a long way to help me ignore the jackballs whizzing by the 'toon at a high rate of speed.
Before too long Hann hooked into a little Bass, which was fun. soon after that Coach hooked into a slightly larger little bass. and I got the skunk for the second night, Oh well refer to the first thing I tell myself about fishing on WBL above.

After the fishing trip we all made our way to the Kremlin for one of the biggest poker games in a while, 13 people playing at one table. Me and Xan were the only protesters about the 13 peeps at one table, but it was clear that we were the only ones interested in playing by the rules(joking)
"you're entering a world of pain"
I caught the greatest run in my poker career, I was getting full houses and straights non stop, I was probably the only one having fun at the game, oh well. Anyways I took first and was awarded $70 Jess took 3rd but had to split her $20 with Jorge because of "house rules" The hand was like this, there were 4 of us in the hand, action was on the Jor, He goes all in, Jess goes all in(has about twice the amount of chips that Jor has), action is on me, I go all in, Fruitbooter folds. I take them both out and then there is a big discussion about the prize money. The official rules of poker state:
"If multiple players go broke on the same hand, the player starting the hand with the larger amount of chips finishes in the higher place for prize money and any other award."
I tried to argue this point, but quickly gave up when I saw it wasn't gonna happen, I realised that without the rules in hand we would have to wing it, and splitting was the only logical solution. anyways, Coach and Hann took 1st and 2nd in the second game, must have been some good luck on the 'toon, that rubbed off on us.
Jess(non FAG)
Coach McGuirk(non FAG)
Hann(non FAG)
Another Nice night out on WBL, everytime I fish that lake I have to tell myself a few things:
1) you will most likely not catch anything, and if you do it will most likely be small.
2) try not to get pissed off by the dipshits that cruise past your boat at 30 M.P.H. there will be a lot of them and they will all be too close to your boat.
If I can remember those 2 things it's a fun trip. WBL is one of those lakes that everyone says "there's big fish in that lake", I've never really believed that because I've spent countless hours out there and only have done well out there once for crappies in the spring time, and even then all of the ones we caught were borderline keepers, nothing to write home about.

Well Friday night was no exception, We pulled up to the lake after buying live bait, at the world's shittiest bait shop, quick back story, when I went into the bait store to purchase leeches the Jackson Whites inside were arguing about something, the only acknowledgement I received as a customer was "$6.32" muttered by the fat one behind the counter. Not even eye contact. I hate that fkin place. So, getting back to the story, we rolled up to my parent's house and sat on the porch with my mom and dad for a few minutes waiting for Coach and Hann to show up. They soon got there and we were on our way.
Coach was telling me about a place he had fished before so we headed for the spot, The night was perfect, awesome weather, another batch of the Cuban sandwiches and this time I brought some Rum and Coke(Mount Gay(the official rum of the F.A.G.)). The rum went a long way to help me ignore the jackballs whizzing by the 'toon at a high rate of speed.
Before too long Hann hooked into a little Bass, which was fun. soon after that Coach hooked into a slightly larger little bass. and I got the skunk for the second night, Oh well refer to the first thing I tell myself about fishing on WBL above.

After the fishing trip we all made our way to the Kremlin for one of the biggest poker games in a while, 13 people playing at one table. Me and Xan were the only protesters about the 13 peeps at one table, but it was clear that we were the only ones interested in playing by the rules(joking)

I caught the greatest run in my poker career, I was getting full houses and straights non stop, I was probably the only one having fun at the game, oh well. Anyways I took first and was awarded $70 Jess took 3rd but had to split her $20 with Jorge because of "house rules" The hand was like this, there were 4 of us in the hand, action was on the Jor, He goes all in, Jess goes all in(has about twice the amount of chips that Jor has), action is on me, I go all in, Fruitbooter folds. I take them both out and then there is a big discussion about the prize money. The official rules of poker state:
"If multiple players go broke on the same hand, the player starting the hand with the larger amount of chips finishes in the higher place for prize money and any other award."
I tried to argue this point, but quickly gave up when I saw it wasn't gonna happen, I realised that without the rules in hand we would have to wing it, and splitting was the only logical solution. anyways, Coach and Hann took 1st and 2nd in the second game, must have been some good luck on the 'toon, that rubbed off on us.
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