Location: The Magical Land that time forgot
Air temp: 80s
Water temp: ?
Hatches: ?
Fish landed: 1 Big Fucker, 2 Small Fuckers
Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:
Coach McGuirk (non F.A.G.)
Naaz (non F.A.G.)
yea another great day, I'll keep it short and sweet. first cast I caught the biggest walleye of my life right about 24" maybe a bit over that. that was at about 7:30 am fished all day saw a ton of big muskies and northerns maybe about 15 follows up to the boat.
Had lunch at roman's which was awesome, coach joined us after lunch and we caught some crappies and had more big follows. Coach and I left for home around 4 P.M.
good day.

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