Dates: March 7, 2009
Location: Lawn
Air temp: 30s
Water temp: 36
Hatches: ?
Fish landed: zippo
Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:
We set out in a two car caravan on Saturday, the first day of inland trout season. This past winter was more reasonable than the last, so the ice was mostly gone or on the banks and islands, rather on top of the water.
Unfortunately, the water levels had yet to subside from the recent thaw. The river was running like B-Chubnut's stool after his recent colon blow, fast and brown. We fished from the lawn to the second, larger pool upstream. Nobody caught shit.
While the fishing sucked, the sun came out and made it a nice day to be in the woods and on the water. We devised a new game, where not only do we send ice chunks down the stream, we then throw rocks at them. I realize that it sounds simple when written out, but trust me, this is some good stuff. Between that and throwing snowballs, rocks and logs into people's casting lanes and at each other, we had a full day.
But, no day would be complete without a trip to the EPB&G. A good day of throwing rocks creates a hunger that only spicy curds can satisfy.
Great to see that you guys got out there. You make me proud.
However I must say that during the 'Beyonce' cleanse no stool is produced. A more apt simile would have been 'the river flowed like water from bchubnuts arse following the ingestion of 32 oz of water and 2 tablespoons of uniodized sea salt'.
Also, who is Gutterball?
Erik the Red
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