Thursday, June 21, 2007

This is a very simple game

Date: June 16, 2007
Location: V
Air temp: 70s
Water temp: ???
Hatches: not much
Fish landed: skunk

Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:


Our first night fishing expedition of the season took us, after a few changes in plan, to the V. As usual, fish were scarce. Unlike other times, however, it was also dark, raining, mosquito filled, hex-less (the bug, not the curse), and the trails were lost to the fauna.

Boot and I explored up and down the river, throwing and losing mice and large drys. When it wasn't pouring, the lightening bugs created an enchanting backdrop, thoroughly enhanced by Fruit's constant farting.

With a fish nary seen, heard or felt, we headed back after a few hours. For the second time in my fly fishing career, I managed to impale myself with a guide when my hand slipped while trying to disassemble my rod.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains, sometimes you impale yourself.

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