Location: The Original Spot
Air temp: mid 20s (I think)
Water temp: ??
Hatches: nope
Fish landed*: 1 (brown)
Like Christmas morning or the day you get your nitrous tank refilled, Wisconsin inland trout opener is a magical time. The first day of the fishing season is usually memorable, even if the events that unfold are not. It is dreamt of for 5 months. It is especially longed for when the last of those months turns out to be unfuckingbelievably cold. The promise of a new year of fishing and spicy cheese curds embiggens the occasion, if you will, with a spirituality and jalapeƱo zestiness that no other fishing trip of the year can match.
There are other small but nifty perks to the day. The trails are the clearest they will be all season. The fish, who haven't seen a fly or lure in months, are as dumb as they'll be all season. However, if there is a foot of snow on the ground, the water is clear and the sun is shining, both of those perks disappear right quick.
Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:
Fruit Booter
Scooter Mac
It was an absolutely gorgeous day to open 2007. Blue skies, snow everywhere, and only one car at the parking lot. Despite the mid 20 temps, the sun shine made the day quite bearable, though the fishing was slow. Here are some comparison shots:
Summer of 2006
Fruit Booter and myself both got on the board this fine day. Here is a look at Fruit Booter in action:
The snow made for a good workout, and ice shelves along the banks gave Fruity and Scooter a new game to play: "Let's see if we can break off chunks and send them floating down the river." Retards.
In other news, it was revealed that Fruit Booter was using a flash back nymph. It was discovered by the keen eye of Scooter, while he was performing the Scooter Mac Memorial Walkaround (even though he is back, it is still a "Memorial" as he is dead to Fruiter). He claims he was just "curious," but seasoned Fly Angler Guilders know that those who malign something the most are only trapped in a closet of their own shame. The sub plots of the new season are already materializing.
As the day drew to a close, we headed to the EPB&G for the first spicy curds, pitcher of Miller Lite and burgers of the year. Their deep fryer is still in fine form. I broke even (total investment of $3) on pull tabs, and that, my friends, is the start of the season.
* Fish landed denotes only fish that I (Xan) caught. Don't let the others tell you how many they caught. They are degenerate liars, the whole lot of them.
I don't subscribe to your partisan dribble. You would stick an ice pick in a baby to save a cougar in a bush. Sicko
Flashbacks Aren't just for hippies anymore, it's cool man there is not much you should be ashamed of. Other than getting caught and/or buying/tieing flashback nymphs.
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