Monday, August 27, 2007

Professor Plum

Date: August 25, 2007
Location: EP Spot
Air temp: 70s
Water temp: ???
Hatches: ?
Fish landed: 4 (3 brown, 1 brook)

Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:

Fruit Booter

Fruit Booter needs some counseling. His behavior these days is unacceptable to the F.A.G. standard. For Exhibit A, I present to you that has he not fished since Montana. Exhibit B, his thoughts are focused upon the impending grouse season. Exhibit C, his first priority once we got to the river was to pick plums for a pie (okay, he did fish a bit first, but only because I had forgotten my head lamp in the car).

At least he isn't a worm-dunker, but not much would surprise me at this point. He will give you line after line of excuses, such as hot weather, trips and real life responsibilities, but these are the words of a man in denial.

After light sources were in order, we headed downstream to the two smaller pools past the Mega Pool. Right around dusk, the fish were going ape for a hatch of some small, white bugs. While I didn't want to tie on a fly I wouldn't be able to see,
I was able to get a couple of smaller fellows on a hopper, and then the powerful hopper-dropper.

Night fell and a bright moon rose. After very little action at the furthest downstream pool, we moved up to the next one. We started to get hits, but nothing was landed. Once the fish were set down there, we went to the Mega Pool.

I have never fished the Mega Pool before. I think I may have seen one rise there in the five times I've passed by it during the day. We started on the
side opposite from the path with few hits. I made my way to the other side, and hooked a 17"er in the snout. Booter, who was on the other side then landed one. Just as he was releasing his fish, I got a clean hook on a thick 14" brown. This marked the first time I have ever gotten a clean hook set with a mouse pattern.

We called it not long after and got some fresh curds at a gas station before driving home. Sadly, deliberations will now begin amongst the Guild members on whether or not Booter needs an intervention. Oh, and Scotty Mac, if you're reading this, you are now on indefinite suspension for your lack of fishing.

Update: I forgot to mention, FB caught a bat. Now if someone can hook a muskrat, we'll have the trifecta.


QuickDraw said...

I think the bat deserves more than one sentence.

Xan said...

I never even saw the critter, and no photos were taken. I was downstream from Boot, and he cut his leader before I had a chance to make my way up there.

QuickDraw said...

I think he's making it up.

Unknown said...
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