Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Legend Of John Henry's Fly Rod

Dates: March 29, 2009
Location: Club
Air temp: 40s
Water temp: ?
Hatches: ?
Fish landed: 1

Present members of the Fly Anglers Guild :|: Upper Midwest Chapter, for this outing were:

The Lawyer

It was a bright and sunny day, with a light wind and a shit load of fishermen. When we got to the Club, we didn't see many cars, but the river was hopping. We fished here and there, walking long stretches upstream to get away from the many anglers. Eventually, we made it past the boulder field, where many a mouse excursion has gone down. Water levels were very, very low. It seemed as like late summer, without all the vegetation. This might be a short trout season if conditions don't improve. I might have to resort to slumming for bass, or buying some new gear to fish for musky. That or get a lobotomy and fish for suckers.

On a more positive note, the Lawyer, a staunch mouth-breather, got skunked. As I caught one fish, I was victorious, with two consecutive wins versus the mouth-breathers in as many trips (see the March 21st post). Much like the mighty John Henry, I have shown that the inhuman technology of the lowbrow is no match for the fly rod (even if the mouth-breathers had no idea such a contest was being held).

1 comment:

QuickDraw said...

hehe this is a great post, sadly the first one this year that I couldn't make it out for. there will be more that I can't make but I feel I gave the early season a fair shake, too bad it was fairly lackluster this spring.

Obama needs to put manbearpig in charge of General motors.